The Flower Bandits

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Recommended Florists

At The Flower Bandits, we take immense pride in preserving the beauty of your cherished bouquets, ensuring they become timeless mementos. Our passion for floral artistry is complemented by our dedication to supporting local Irish florists, whose exceptional blooms form the foundation of our bespoke bouquet preservation services. By sourcing flowers from these incredible artisans, we not only create stunning pressed floral pieces but also celebrate the craftsmanship and creativity of local growers.

View Our Full Range Of Pressed Flower Art


The Flower Field

The Flower Field stands out as a beacon of floral elegance in Ireland. Their dedication to sustainable flower farming and crafting arrangements that showcase the natural beauty of Irish flowers aligns perfectly with our values. Each bouquet from The Flower Field captures the delicate essence of Ireland’s landscapes, making it an ideal choice for preservation. Whether it’s a vibrant summer arrangement or a subdued autumnal bouquet, their flowers preserve beautifully in our frames.


Soah Flowers

Soah Flowers brings a refined touch to floral artistry, offering bespoke arrangements that are as luxurious as they are enchanting. Their commitment to sourcing the finest blooms makes them a trusted partner for those seeking exceptional bouquets for preservation. Whether you desire a modern arrangement or a classic bouquet, Soah Flowers’ creations radiate sophistication, perfect for pressing and framing.


The Burren Flower Farm

Nestled in the heart of Ireland, The Burren Flower Farm is synonymous with diversity and natural beauty. This florist celebrates Ireland’s wildflower heritage, curating bouquets that showcase the vibrant hues and textures of the Burren’s unique flora. Preserving a bouquet from The Burren Flower Farm allows us to encapsulate the charm of Ireland’s native blooms in a timeless display.


Maura’s Cottage Flowers

For lovers of rustic charm, Maura’s Cottage Flowers offers hand-tied bouquets inspired by nature’s untamed beauty. Known for their eco-friendly practices and handpicked arrangements, Maura’s creations evoke a sense of nostalgia and warmth. Their bouquets, with their lush textures and earthy tones, are ideal for creating bespoke pressed floral art that captures life’s precious moments.


Gypsy Rose Wildflower

Gypsy Rose Wildflower embodies bohemian elegance, offering whimsical wildflower bouquets that inspire awe. Each arrangement is thoughtfully designed to reflect the unstructured beauty of nature. Pressing these delicate blooms ensures that their intricate details and vibrant colours are preserved for years to come, creating an everlasting memory.

The Burrow Blooms

The Burrow Blooms is celebrated for their artistic flair, transforming flowers into masterpieces. Their innovative arrangements are perfect for brides seeking something unique and personalised. Our preservation services enhance their artistry, ensuring that each bouquet becomes a bespoke keepsake.

Mount Alexander Flowers

Mount Alexander Flowers is renowned for their vibrant blooms and elegant designs. They create striking floral arrangements that leave a lasting impression. We ensure that every bouquet from Mount Alexander Flowers retains its breathtaking beauty through our meticulous preservation process.

Lily’s Field

Lily’s Field combines timeless simplicity with exceptional craftsmanship. Their natural, seasonal arrangements reflect the cycles of nature, offering bouquets that are both meaningful and beautiful. Preserving flowers from Lily’s Field captures the purity and charm of their designs, transforming them into lasting pieces of art.


Howe Hill Flowers

Howe Hill Flowers sets the standard for sustainable floristry, offering locally grown blooms cultivated with care. Their arrangements exude elegance, making them a popular choice for weddings and special events. We take pride in preserving the beauty of their bouquets, ensuring they remain cherished for generations.


FMK The Flowersmith

FMK The Flowersmith is a trailblazer in modern floristry, creating bouquets that blend contemporary aesthetics with traditional charm. Their unique designs stand out, making them an excellent choice for anyone seeking to preserve a truly distinctive bouquet. Our preservation process enhances their artistry, creating heirloom-quality keepsakes.


Amelia's Garden Flowers

Amelia’s Garden Flowers is a haven for flower lovers seeking organically grown, seasonal blooms cultivated with care in the heart of Ireland. Their breathtaking arrangements are inspired by nature’s rhythm, featuring a harmonious blend of Irish wildflowers and cottage-garden favourites. Each bouquet is crafted with a deep appreciation for sustainability and artistry, making them an ideal choice for floral preservation. By pressing and framing these exquisite flowers, we ensure that Amelia’s Garden Flowers’ natural elegance is captured forever, turning their ephemeral beauty into a cherished keepsake.


Find out how our flower preservation works

How We Work